Stock Market Education

New to Stock Market Investing and need someone to hold your hand through your first stock purchase?

We are here for you.

Send us a quick email on our contact page.


Market Analysis


So you've found a Caribbean Company and would like some truthful, unbiased and data backed analysis on the Market.


At Caribbean Value Investor, we keep up with all the major industry and economic happenings that could affect Caribbean Value Companies and their local Stock Markets. 

Email us for a sample of our analysis and let's talk.

Caribbean Value Investor Data Analysis

You've found an Audited Financial Statement for one of the Global Conglomerates from the Caribbean but what do the numbers mean for you as the potential investor? What is the story that they tell and how could they realistically change in the future?

Our astute Analysts are just who you need on the case.


Caribbean Value Investor Service Offerings

Caribbean Value Investor, together with its partners, offers a suite of services to our clients. We are a small team dedicated to providing high quality research backed by consistent and reliable data. CVI’s suite of services include:

  • Industry Research
  • Data Analysis
  • Investment Research
  • Case Studies
  • Stock Market Education
  • Company Analysis

Let's Talk

Do you have a general question about investing in the Caribbean or the various Stock Markets in the region? Shoot us an email or reach out to us on social.

Tweet us: @cvijamaica

Follow us on instagram: @cvijamaica

Connect with us on LinkedIn: Caribbean Value Investor
