JSE Mobile App – A Review

JSE Mobile App - Caribbean Value Investor
Image Source: https://www.jamstockex.com/jse-mobile-app-now-available-in-apple-store/


JSE Mobile App Review: The Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE Ticker: $JSE) today, launched the iOS version of their mobile App. This has been long awaited. In this article we take a walk through of the app and its functionalities. We would love to make this an interactive post so we invite you to join in the comments section where most of this post will be written. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences using the iOS version of the JSE Mobile App.

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Let’s start off with just a few things, looks, feel (yes, that is a thing), speed, functions, etc. After that, we can look at what’s missing. What would you want to see in the app? What should it have been able to do that it doesn’t do? What does it do well? What does it do not so well? Is their interactivity with Brokers? How real time is “real-time” etc. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE on Caribbean Value Investor to have your accounts authenticated. Once we verify the emails, your comments will be approved and displayed below. Let’s get to it.

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