TOP 10 Companies Listed on the Barbados Stock Exchange
TOP 10 Companies Barbados Stock Exchange
The Barbados Stock Exchange was incorporated on August 2, 2001 with the passing of the Securities Act 2001-13. The Financial Services commission (previously the Barbados Securities Commission) was also established as a result of the act. The Commission has overall regulatory responsibility for the entire Capital Market within Barbados. This includes all public companies (listed or unlisted) as well as Self Regulatory Organisations (SRO), the Barbados Stock Exchange (BSE) and its subsidiary, the Barbados Central Securities Depository.
We have compiled a list of the TOP 10 Companies Listed on the Barbados Stock Exchange (BSE) by Market Capitalisation ($ US). In this article we will be introducing companies numbers 10 through 6. In the next post we will meet the TOP 5.
TOP 10 Companies Barbados Stock Exchange – No. 10

Ticker Symbol: WIB
Financial Year End: August 31st
Company Description: West Indian Biscuit Company Limited is incorporated under the laws of Barbados and is a manufacturer of biscuits and snacks. The company is a 66% subsidiary of the Trinidadian based Bermudez Group Limited.
Market Capitalization as at June 07 2018: Caribbean Value Investor calculated CPS’ market capitalisation to be $BDS 60,450,080.00 ($US 30,225,040.00)
TOP 10 Companies Barbados Stock Exchange – No. 9
Ticker Symbol: CPS
Industry: Financial
Company Description: Cave Shepherd and Co. Limited is a retailer and provider of financial services. The company is also a holding company for various investments. The company holds equity in over 25 associated companies. The list includes Ashworth Limited (40%), Emerald Distributors Limited (40%), Duty Free Caribbean (Cayman) Holdings Ltd (40%) and Duty Free Caribbean (Jamaica) Limited (40%), Caribbean Trade Logistics Advisors Inc (44%) and Canouan CS&F Investments Limited (35%).
Market Capitalization as at June 07 2018: Caribbean Value Investor calculated CPS’ market capitalisation to be $BDS 74,993,690.40 ($US 37,496,845.20)
TOP 10 Companies Barbados Stock Exchange – No. 8
Ticker Symbol: ICBL
Industry: Insurance
Company Description: The Insurance Corporation of Barbados Limited (ICBL) is the largest General Insurance provided in Barbados. In addition to general insurance, the company provides accident, liability, motor vehicle, aviation and transit insurance products.
Suggested Reading: The risk of general insurance – Caribbean Value Investor.
The company has over 2300 Barbadian Shareholders representing 30% in equity. A further 10% of the company is owned by the Barbadian Government. The Majority Shareholder is BF&M Limited, a Barbadian company. BF&M Limited owns 51.7% of ICBL through its wholly owned subsidiary Hamilton Financial Limited, incorporated in St. Lucia.
Market Capitalization as at June 07, 2018: Caribbean Value Investor calculated ICBL’s market capitalisation to be $BDS 135,746, 052.90 ($US67,873,026.45)
TOP 10 Companies Barbados Stock Exchange – No. 7
Ticker Symbol: BHL
Industry: Conglomerate
Company Description: Banks Holdings Limited is the the largest beverage conglomerate in Barbados. The company is comprised of five subsidiaries, Banks (Barbados) Breweries Limited, Barbados Bottling Co. Limited, Barbados Dairy Industries Limited, Banks Distribution Limited and Plastic Containers Limited. The company also holds equity stakes in a number of associated companies. These include Citrus Products of Belize Limited (46.8%), Chemical Industries Limited (40%) and GCG Services Limited (33.33%).
Market Capitalization as at June 07 2018: Caribbean Value Investor calculated BHL’s market capitalisation to be $BDS 315,059,686.00 ($US 157,529,843.00 )
TOP 10 Companies Barbados Stock Exchange – No. 6
Ticker Symbol: CWBL
Industry: Telecommunications
Company Description: Cable and Wireless Barbados Limited is an integrated telecommunications full service provider offering mobile, broadband, TV, data, domestic, and international fixed line service and other services to residential and business customers. The company was formed from the 2002 amalgamation of Cable and Wireless BARTEL Limited, Cable and Wireless BET Limited (CWBET), Cable and Wireless Caribbean Cellular (Barbados) Limited (CWCC) Cable and Wireless Information Systems Limited (CWIS) and Cable and Wireless Barbados Limited (CWB). Cable and Wireless Barbados Limited is a subsidiary of Cable and Wireless (West Indies) Limited whose parent company was Cable and Wireless Communications plc. The ultimate parent company is Liberty Global plc which acquired all the issued shares of Cable and Wireless Communications plc in May of 2016.
Market Capitalization as at June 07 2018: Caribbean Value Investor calculated CWBL’s market capitalisation to be $BDS 324,870,726.34 ($US 162,435,363.17)
We have compiled a similar list for the TOP 10 Companies listed on the the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange as well as the Jamaica Stock Exchange. You may fins those list in the suggested posts below.